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I am currently pursuing a Master’s in Robotics with a Computer Science concentration at Northeastern University. Here, I work with Professor X. I am interested in robot learning, i. e, endowing robots with the ability to learn to carry out complex tasks in the physical world. To this end, I am interested in deep learning, reinforcement learning (RL) and robotics. In particular, I am interested in RL. Currently, I work on representation learning for RL.

Prior to this, I spent two years as a Research Associate at IIT Madras. Before that, I spent three years as a Research Engineer at Honeywell. I received my Dual Degree (B.Tech, M.Tech) in Engineering Design from IIT Madras in 2016. You can view my detailed CV here.

I enjoy playing sports, particularly soccer and cricket. I also enjoy running and hiking. I love physics. I pursue physics as a hobby.

"The society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools." - Thucydides